How to make your blog more visible without paying for ads? Appearing in the top positions of Google can be considered the holy grail of internet marketing. Being on the first page (without paying Adwords) represents a huge opportunity to ...
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Google Chrome: Using Chrome..? Try these 5 features
Google Chrome is the most used web browser worldwide. Over time many features have become available to users making web browsing easier. Let us know about five important features among them. Internet Desk: For any content to be browsed, Google ...
Are there any benefits of using your own hosting than paid Hosting?
Are there any benefits of using your own hosting than paid Hosting? It’s relatively easy to host a website on your own computer. In my view, the main problem is its practicality of it. Also Read: What is the best ...
Twitter: Tag in tweet.. must have permission
Twitter is rolling out a new feature as part of a user privacy update. Twitter hopes that this feature will further protect users’ personal privacy. Let’s know about that feature. Internet Desk: With the rise in online harassment and cyber ...
Android 13 – iOS 16: Same to Same Features in Android – iOS.. Did You Know?
Google and Apple companies will soon release new versions of the mobile OS. While Google is bringing Android 13, Apple has introduced iOS 16. These new versions of OS have similar features. Their details. Internet Desk: Android and IOS operating ...
Google PlayStore: If you have these apps on your phone, battery, will Drain Fast.. delete immediately
If you have these apps on your phone, delete immediately Google has removed 16 apps from the Play Store that are consuming mobile data by opening webpages in the background without user intervention and clicking on advertisements. Users are also ...
WhatsApp: Call link on WhatsApp.. How to do it, how many days will it last?
Call link on WhatsApp Like other video apps, WhatsApp hopes to introduce the WhatsApp group calling feature to a larger number of users. A new feature has been introduced for this purpose. So, what is that feature? Let’s have a ...
Password is gone and Passkey is came
Password is gone and Passkey is came Passkey. A digital authentication tool that can be used instead of passwords. It allows you to log into a website account without entering a username, password or additional authentication. Many websites. Multiple accounts. ...
Tesla Pi Phone: Musk’s smartphone is coming.. Price, features, release date details
Tesla Pi Phone Elon Musk is going to release a smartphone soon. There is a lot of discussion on this. Whatever Musk has done so far is special. In this background, let’s take a look at the details of the ...
Asus Folding Laptop: ₹ 3 lakh laptop.. What are the features?
Asus Folding Laptop Till now we have heard and seen about folding phones. But, have you heard of a foldable laptop? Asus recently released the world’s first folding laptop. Details of that laptop. Internet Desk: As technology advances, new innovations ...