
Tesla Pi Phone: Musk’s smartphone is coming.. Price, features, release date details

Tesla Pi Phone

Elon Musk is going to release a smartphone soon. There is a lot of discussion on this. Whatever Musk has done so far is special. In this background, let’s take a look at the details of the phone to be released by Musk.

Tesla pi phone

Internet Desk: Whatever Elon Musk does is special. Examples are Tesla, SpaceX, Tesla Energy, Starlink, Neuralink, The Boring, Open AI companies. Recently.. Barton started selling perfume under the name of Hail. And the process of buying Twitter needs to be completed. At the end of last year, news emerged that Elon Musk had entered the smartphone manufacturing sector. Recently, once again a pressing discussion has started about the phone that Musk is bringing. It is reported that Musk will release a new smartphone in December this year. And what will Musk name this phone? How much will it cost? What are the features? Let’s see the details like

Pi Phone

At the end of last year, news emerged that Elon Musk had entered the smartphone manufacturing sector. Recently, once again a pressing discussion has started about the phone that Musk is bringing. It is reported that Musk will release a new smartphone in December this year. And what will Musk name this phone? How much will it cost? What are the features? Let’s see the details like Tesla is making its own processor for this phone. Details related to this need to be known. There is a 5,000 mAh battery. Market sources estimate that the price of this phone may be between ₹ 70 thousand to ₹ 80 thousand. It also provides satellite network connectivity. Does this phone work with Android OS? Or will Tesla develop its own OS? We have to wait till December to know.


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