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Google PlayStore: If you have these apps on your phone, battery, will Drain Fast.. delete immediately

If you have these apps on your phone, delete immediately

Google has removed 16 apps from the Play Store that are consuming mobile data by opening webpages in the background without user intervention and clicking on advertisements. Users are also advised to remove these from their phones immediately.

Internet Desk: Google has made an important suggestion for Android users. Removed 16 apps from playstore that were draining phone battery and data quickly. Users are also advised to immediately delete the respective apps from their devices. The list includes utility apps like a flashlight, camera, QR reading, unit converters, and task manager. McAfee Cyber ​​Security Company has revealed that they have been found to be opening web pages in the background and clicking on advertisements without user intervention. Due to this, phone battery charging will decrease and data will also run out quickly, Google said.

After users install these apps for their needs, they download a remote configuration with the help of an HTTP request. Then push messages are sent to the developer through Firebase Cloud Messaging. McAfee said that with their help, the developer is profiting by opening many websites in the background and clicking on advertisements without the knowledge of the user.

Due to this, the battery and data usage of the user’s phone will increase. In some cases, malware is introduced into user devices and steals personal information and banking details, it warned. About 20 million users have downloaded these apps so far, McAfee said in its report. If users are still using these, it is advised to remove them from the phone immediately. Click for McAfee’s full report, list of apps.


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