
6 Tips For Getting Good Article Ideas For Your Blog

The keyword search will give you many directions on what to do on the blog. You will find content about specific words. A word is not yet a subject. After the keyword, you will need an angle, and a specific story around it to write an article. And as your blog grows, your inspiration can get tired. The next 6 tips for getting good blog article ideas will help you find inspiration to create a story around your keywords.

Tip 1: Read Other Blogs

An excellent way to get ideas for a blog article is to read other articles. Reading material that other people have created definitely provides inspiration for your own articles. The hard part of reading other people’s work is finding your own version of the same subject. It’s hard to create your own vision after you’ve read other people’s.

Reading article titles can also give you ideas for blog topics. You don’t have to be afraid to reframe someone else’s opinion (instead of creating your own thinking) if you just read the headlines. Browsing through a few blogs can give you some inspiration to create new articles for your blog.

Tip 2: Current events

Another way to get ideas for blog articles is by referencing and writing about current events. Stay connected with different news sites and write posts where you embody your view of the news in your niche. You can also create an alert on specific topics. In your blog, you must translate these new messages adapting to the main mission of the blog.

Tip 3: Get inspiration from your own work

Some situations from your own work can also be excellent inspirations for blog articles. If your customers or colleagues are facing a certain problem, it could be that other people are having the same problem. You should always make sure to respect the privacy of your client, friends, or colleagues, and ask for permission to use their cases on your blog.

Also Read: Do You Understand How To Do Keyword Research For Articles?

6 Tips To Get Good Article Ideas For Your Blog - Tríscele

Tip 4: Continuing a previous article

If you have a set of keywords you want to rank for, consider writing a series of articles on the same topic. Ideally, you should aim to write slightly different articles around the same keyword (focusing on different long-tail keywords). One article often inspires other articles.

When you’re writing an article, make sure you’re targeting a single topic. If you’re talking about too many things in one article and it’s getting big, you’ll be creating a series of articles without even realizing it.

Step 5: Interact with your audience

If you invite your audience to leave comments on your blog, you can receive feedback and questions. While most reviews are good to read (or not), you might get some interesting questions. Possibly some of these questions will be easy to answer in a short text, but some questions will be off-topic or will need an elaborate answer. These types of questions are excellent starters for your next article.

Tip 6: Google your own keywords and see what other people write about them

One way to get some inspiration about a specific keyword is to Google the keyword you are looking for to optimize a particular article. What do people really think if they search for that particular term? Perhaps the results will inspire you to write something similar, something that fits the current results. But, trying to write something that will stand out could also be a very smart strategy.

Also Read : The 10 best free platforms for you to create your blog


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