Affiliate Marketing

TOP 4 Steps on How to Create a Results Affiliate Blog

According to a 2019 GrowthBadger survey, exist over 600 million blogs assets on the internet.

And there’s more: according to WordPress, the most used platform in the world for creating blogs, are published about 70 million new content every month. Impressive numbers, aren’t they?

This data becomes even more powerful when we think that in each new publication made, there is a new business and sales opportunity. Have you thought about it, affiliate?

The truth is that the blog has not died and will not, and it can bring excellent results for those who are entering the affiliate marketing and want to maximise your results.

So, if you still don’t know how to create an affiliate blog and want to better understand the gains that this channel can bring, keep reading and see how to create your online space in a few steps.

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Why create a blog to sell digital products?

Surely you’ve searched for a particular product or service on Google (or other search engine) these days.

Most likely, you’ve also done some research for questions you had, and you landed on a blog content that answered your questions. Right?

Well, know that you’re not the only one: every day, Google receives over 3.5 billion searches. Which equates to an average of 40,000 searches every second.

And, among the most diverse content formats that we find when doing new searches, websites and blogs are still a great highlight for many terms. And that’s why you need to know how to create an affiliate blog.

Just as social networks are today a powerful tool for digital strategies, the same applies to the blog.

After all, as much as each channel has a target audience, a type of content and individual characteristics, they are all relevant for those who want to work on the internet and make money from content production.

Speaking specifically of the blog, it is a way of develop your authority in the market in addition to often being the flagship of a content marketing strategy.

After all, there you find a space to share knowledge and educate your audience about a product or service, making that reader’s purchase journey faster.

In addition, the affiliate blog, once live, provides you with a 24-hour resource, attracting people who will be impacted by the products you advertise even if you are not online at the time.

Therefore, when we talk about how to create an affiliate blog, it is very important that you understand that this can be a very relevant strategy for your business as a digital affiliate.

Because, in addition to being able to work better on the possible objections that the potential customer may have, you strengthens your authority and can build a large audience. And in affiliate marketing, traffic is everything!

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How to create an affiliate blog?

Now that you understand the importance and advantages that a blog can have for a digital affiliate, let’s go step by step on how to create an affiliate blog. Prepared?

1. Set a theme

You can even be affiliated with products from different niches, but if you want to do a good job of marketing content on your blog, you need to choose a certain topic and stick with it.

Or your affiliate blog will be more like a newspaper classifieds space.

Some points that can help you define the theme of your blog are:

1. Choose a niche that you identify with

Create an affiliate blog about a topic you enjoy talking about. After all, you don’t need to be a fashion professional to talk about it if you’re always looking for the topic, keeping up to date and feeling like you can pass on good information to your audience.

2. Understand the niche of the products you are affiliated with

If your blog is about fashion, prefer to affiliate with products that make about fashion, beauty, self-care and subjects that are related to your central theme.

Also, if your goal is to promote products and services in that space, you need to be coherent and strategic.

Just think: it wouldn’t make sense for you to have a fashion blog and publish an e-book for those who want to learn to play the guitar, in the midst of content about the colours of the season, right?

Using content strategically to educate and help your audience is the first step to succeeding with an affiliate blog.

2. Choose a domain and hire hosting

The second step of creating an affiliate blog is choosing your blog name and making sure it is available for use.

It can be your own name if you want to work on your personal brand and authority; a name that relates to the chosen niche or even one that refers to the product you are affiliated with.

It is important that this name is simple, easy to record, relates to the theme of your blog and, of course, is available for registration.

In addition, it is also important to pay attention to the hosting service for your website. Today, it is possible to count on free services and create a blog without any financial investment, but your URL cannot be customised and, unfortunately, it will not convey a trustworthy image.

Therefore, if you want to have an affiliate blog to work professionally, it is very important to make this small investment, because a blog “ is much more secure than a “www.articalo.wordpress” .net”. Is not?

3. Custom layout do blog

There’s no escaping it: the layout of your blog can greatly impact the reader’s perception of professionalism from your content.

So investing time in website customisation is our next step on how to create an affiliate blog.

“Oh, but I’m not a designer, I’m not a programmer, I can’t pay someone to do this for me. And now?”. Don’t worry!

Platforms like WordPress and Wix have a wide range of free themes that users can use.

A very important point to pay attention to at this moment is if the chosen theme is responsive (adaptable to the most different devices) and fast, two factors that can directly impact your website’s ranking results.

4. Start producing content

Finally, the last step of how to create an affiliate blog is to get your hands dirty! Once you have your space on the air, it’s time to start working on the content production and make your first post.

It is essential that, in order to have results, you study about the production of content on the internet, learn about the best strategies, techniques and different forms of writing.

After all, it’s not enough to just write content anyway and expect it to perform well.

For that, you need to work strategically from creating guidelines to publishing on your blog — not forgetting the optimisations and future revisions that some content will require.

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Sell ​​your own product on your blog!

Have you ever thought about creating and selling your own info products? Now that you know how to create an affiliate blog, you can take advantage of this resource to sell your own digital products.

If you are an expert in a particular subject or know a lot about a topic, know that you can monetize your knowledge and earn money from your content production.

If your have any questions leave a comment!


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