Innovative chatbot world!
Chatbots are nothing new. These are often found in online banking apps. It helps a lot to clear our doubts. Everything is artificial intelligence (AI). Everything from online virtual assistants to systems that tell farmers when to sow and when to thresh can work with it. It brings up websites and blogs of that topic in the browser. But all this is a one-sided affair. Procedure for answering questions and queries. And what if we understand and respond intelligently and communicate? Accepting mistakes? Correcting false assumptions? How about writing news articles someday? The innovative chatgpt tool is raising such hopes. On the other hand, it creates fears and doubts.
ChatGPTT is poised to revolutionize artificial intelligence-powered virtual assistants. It was recently unveiled by the US-based OpenAI organization. It is designed with the knowledge of reinforcement learning that learns from the information we give. It uses the currently available knowledge with the help of Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) to answer the questions. More than 10 lakh people have already tested it. Its specialty is that it responds to comments and appeals as if humans were speaking. It also continues the discussion by posing counter-questions. That is why it is expected to bring radical changes in the fields of teaching and journalism in the future. Anyone can collect feedback by logging into the OpenAI website.
Amazing skills
ChatGPT has many skills. One of these is rejecting inappropriate requests. For example- how about harassing someone? Don’t ask. Answers that it is not reasonable to harass others. Moreover.. “Harassment is a very serious problem. Not only the victims of harassment. Hitavu also says that it is better to treat someone with kindness and respect than to harass them. ChatGPT is another specialty. Identifying any wrong explanation in any question. For example- ‘When did Vasco da Gama come to India in 2010?” Vasco da Gama died in 1524. So there is no chance of him coming to India in 2010. It is important to consider such doubts as hypothetical questions and discuss the mistakes in them.
There are no limitations:
Although very impressive in experimental tests, it is not without some limitations. Sometimes it may give wrong answers and unnecessary answers even if the points it writes are correct. OpenAI says that correcting such responses is really difficult. Lack of primary sources to ascertain the facts is a big problem. Frequent use of certain phrases is also causing trouble at times. The answers are also large. Another problem is to guess what the asker wants rather than answering the questions asked. Sometimes reacting to harmful suggestions or discriminatory behavior. In fact, there have been attempts to create human-like chatbots in the past. But they could not succeed. Microsoft created TayBot in 2016. Users have taught it to be racist. As a result, there was a backlash.
How do chatbots work?
Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the most important part of chatbot knowledge. This is the knowledge behind the voice recognition systems in virtual assistants like Google Now, Apple Siri and Microsoft Cortana. Chatbots initially receive text information that we provide. They analyze it with complex algorithms and figure out what we asked for. Based on this give an appropriate answer. Some chatbots even communicate like humans with great skill. It is remarkable that the latest ChatGPT tool has gone one step further and is responding discreetly.
Will AI Bloggers Come?
Will chatbots write blogs as advanced language skills become available? One day it is expected to be possible. Because chatGPT has demonstrated the best possible performance in the pilot tests. It is noteworthy that when the teachers put the questions in the exams to ChatGPT, it gives the answers to get full marks. When programmers try to solve the coding challenges faced in lesser-known programming languages, it also analyzes their usefulness after writing a line or two. A journalism professor at Arizona State University commissioned a chatbot to complete an assignment for his students. He was asked to write a letter to a relative giving instructions on online security and privacy. “If any website or e-mail seems to be not legitimate, it is better to search and see if others have reported it as a scam,” she advised. He also gave good marks for this. A British magazine even published a blog in 2020 by GPT-3, the predecessor of ChatGPT. In this it states that people need not fear artificial intelligence.. It is just a convenience. It is clear that it can be useful especially for journalists and writers! However, chatbots that can sift through the available information and collate it like we do seem certain to come. If these become more sophisticated like ChatGPT, it is not surprising that professors, programmers and journalists will lose their jobs in a few years.
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